Electric Glass

Electric Glass is a hassle-free solution that arrives ready for installation, granting you complete control over privacy or a clear view with a simple switch. Available in large sizes, this laminated finished glass can be customized to fit your specific project requirements. This cutting-edge electric glass solution provides unparalleled control over your space, instantly toggling between privacy and transparency. Crafted with state-of-the-art technology, Whether for offices, conference rooms, or homes, electric glass redefines versatility and creates unlimited creative potential.

Electric Glass installation

Electric Glass

  • Instant Privacy
  • Dimmable Transparency
  • Projectable (multi-purpose)
  • Interactive 

Electric Glass Film

  • Instant Privacy
  • Installs on existing glass
  • Projectable (multi-purpose)
  • Interactive

Electric Glass

Electric Glass comes ready to install and gives you full control of privacy or clear view with the flip of a switch, this laminated finished glass come is large sizes and we give you the ability to customize 
to fit your project.

Electric Film

Switchable privacy glass upgrades regular glass into smart glass. It lets you switch between see-through and opaque with a flip of a switch.